TSPSC Group 2 Hall Ticket 2024, New Exam Date Released, Exam pattern

Candidates who have applied for the Group-2 service category in the Public Service Commission for Telangana State Government, however, recently announced the release of hall tickets specifically for the group-2 service category. Hence, candidates can download their TSPSC Group Hall Ticket 2024 from the official site at tspsc.gov.in.

Certainly, On 29th December 2022, The Public Service Commission of Telangana State released a notification, especially for the Group-2 Service Category for the 2023-24 session. However, the hall tickets are now available. Also, the officials released new exam dates specifically for the preliminary written test examination and exam patterns in brief.

TSPSC Group Hall Ticket 2024

By all means, let’s Know the new exam dates, pattern, and also, some other important information specifically regarding the Group-2 service examination for TSPSC.

TSPSC Group Hall Ticket 2024:

Finally, the TSPSC has released notification regarding the TSPSC Group Hall Ticket 2024 for the Preliminary Examination on the 1st of June 2024. Besides, Candidates can visit the official website @  tspsc.gov.in. to download their hall tickets.

Additionally, afterwards downloading the admit cards, candidates must download a print copy of the hall ticket as they need to submit the ticket in the exam hall. Hence, let’s find out some important details, especially about the Group-2 Hall tickets.

TSPSC Group-2 Hall Ticket 2024

Recruiting Organization Telangana State Public Service Commission
Category Government Job
Posts Category Group-2
Total Number of Vacancy 783
Event Admit Card
Selection Process Written Test And also Document Verification
Exam Mode OMR-Based Written Test
Last Date To Download The Admit Card 7 days before the exam date
Group-2 Exam Dates 7th and 8th August 2024( Wednesday and Thursday
Job Location Telangana State
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Thus, let’s find out what the details are covered in the TSPSC Group Hall Ticket 2024. Afterwards downloading the hall tickets for the group-2 preliminary examination, candidates must go through the details mentioned in the admit card to check if the provided information mentioned in the ticket regarding the candidate’s details in brief holds true.

However, in case any dispensary is found, candidates can also raise a complaint against the examination conducting authority specifically for the correction before the exam dates significantly. Additionally, the following details are covered in the hall ticket regarding the Examination details on one side and the candidate’s details on the other side in brief.

Regarding The Exam details-

  • First, the Name of the examination.
  • Next, the name of the conducting authority.
  • Then, the Exam Centre.
  • Afterwards, the Exam Time.
  • Then, the Shift of the examination.
  • Next, the Reporting Time.
  • Then, the Duration Of The Examination
  • Finally, here are the instructions regarding the exam day.

Regarding The Candidate’s Details-

  • First, the Candidate’s name.
  • Next, the Roll Number.
  • Afterwards, the Candidate’s father’s or mother’s name.
  • Then, the Candidate’s date of birth.
  • Next, the candidate’s photo and signature are included.
  • Additionally, a self-declaration form.

TSPSC Group-2 Exam Pattern:

Certainly, the TSPSC Group Hall Ticket 2024 has already been released on the official websites. Of course, the candidates must be aware of the preliminary examination pattern.

TSPSC Exam Pattern For Group-2 Preliminary Examination

Paper Total Number Of Questions Total Marks Exam Duration
Paper-1 150 150 2.5 hr
Paper-2 150 150 2.5 hr
Paper-3 150 150 2.5 hr
Paper-4 150 150 2.5 hr
  • Thus, the exam pattern for the Group-2 preliminary examination for the selection process will be conducted by objective types of questions especially on either Computer-based examination type or also, in OMR-based.
  • However, the written exam will be conducted in four papers such as paper 1, paper 2, paper 3, and also, paper 4. Besides, each paper consists of 150 questions and contains 1 mark for each question.
  • However, the total duration of the examination will be 10 hours, and each paper will be divided into a time duration of 2.5 hr.
  • Additionally, the question papers will be available in three languages such as Telugu, Urdu, And also, in English.
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How To Download TSPSC Group-2 Hall Ticket 2024:

After all, the Public Service Commission of the Telangana state government has recently announced the notification regarding the release of TSPSC Group Hall Ticket 2024. Likewise, candidates can download their hall tickets using the following steps.

Step 1: First, candidates must visit the official website of the Telangana State Public Service Commission at http://tspsc.gov.in

Step 2: Afterwards, the home page will appear on the screen. Besides, click on the “ Hall ticket for the group 2 services”.

Step 3: Then, a new login portal will appear on the screen after clicking on the link.

Step 4: Likewise, in the login portal, candidates can put their TSPSC Login ID, Date of Birth, and also, clear the captcha code.

Step 5: Afterwards, the hall ticket for the group 2 examination will appear on the screen.

Step 6: Also, check out the detailed information provided on the hall ticket in brief.  However, if any dispensary is found, then, you can also raise a complaint against the exam authority.

Step 7: However, if the details are correct, you can finally download your admit card. Also, do not forget to download an extra copy of the hall ticket for future reference specifically.


  • What is the last date to download the TSPSC Group-2 Hall Ticket 2024?
    • Candidates can download their hall tickets up to 7 days before the exam date, which is scheduled for 7th and 8th August 2024.
  • What details are included in the TSPSC Group-2 Hall Ticket 2024?
    • The hall ticket includes exam details such as the examination name, center, time, and instructions, as well as candidate details like name, roll number, parent’s name, date of birth, photo, signature, and a self-declaration form.
  • How can candidates download the TSPSC Group-2 Hall Ticket 2024?
    • Candidates can download their hall tickets from the official website of Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) by logging in with their TSPSC ID, date of birth, and captcha code, and then verifying the details before downloading and printing the hall ticket.
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